Tessitura v16

Ready for v16? Prospect2 is! We’ve outlined a few things that you’ll want to take note of as you prepare for your upgrade. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at help@prospect2.com!

New Tessitura API URL Endpoint

When upgrading to v16 you will have a new Tessitura API URL Endpoint.

To ensure connectivity between Tessitura and Pro2 will remain uninterrupted post-upgrade, please send your new API URL Endpoint along with the date and time of your upgrade to help@prospect2.com. A member of the Pro2 team will ensure this is updated around the date and time provided, within Pro2 Support business hours.

Failing to provide this information in advance of your move to v16 will break connectivity between Pro2 and Tessitura once you are live with v16.

Update CPP Plugin

If you are using our integration with Contact Point Purposes, there is a v16 specific version of our Plugin which will need to be updated in your v16 Tessitura Environment.

This will not change existing configurations you may currently have set up. Rather, the new Plugin will need to be installed once you are live with v16 to ensure CPP updates that are applied directly in Tessitura will continue to update back into Pro2. You can contact help@prospect2.com for the correct Plugin.

Pro2 Install Script

If you currently have the Pro2 Script installed in your v15 environment then no script update is required when you upgrade to v16!

If you need to update your script or are running the Pro2 install script for the first time, please make sure to download the latest version of the Pro2 Install Script. Due to some backend database changes in Tessitura v16, there is a v16 specific version of the Pro2 Install Script. Any updates or new installs need to make sure they are using the latest version.

You can check your current script version and verify if you are up-to-date within your Pro2 Tessitura Integrated Dashboard. If you see a notification on the Console page that a newer version of the install script exists, it’s always encouraged that you download and install the latest and greatest version.

Users in the Tessitura Integrated Dashboard set up as Owners or Managers will be able to download the latest Pro2 Install Script.

Tessitura Integrated Dashboard and Integrated Jobs

Your Tessitura Integrated Dashboard will not have connectivity to Tessitura during the window that you are moving from v15 to v16. During that time, Integrated Imports, Scheduled Triggers and Data Syncs will not process.

If there are any scheduled jobs that are set to run during your upgrade window, you can either change the run time of the jobs in question, or you can simply utilize the Scheduled Trigger Run Now or Data Sync - Sync Now feature, post-upgrade.

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