Prospect2 Database Objects
When Prospect2 is installed into your Tessitura database, the following objects are created. Click on the object to learn more about its purpose or function.
In this Article:
This table function is used to gather all performance-related data for parent procedures LWP_PRO2_HANDLE_TRIGGER and LWP_PRO2_GET_ORDER_DETAILS. It is only called when a Scheduled Trigger is executed and is of the Performance-based type.
@start_date datetime = NULL, @end_date datetime = NULL, @with_keyword varchar (500) = NULL, @without_keyword varchar (500) = NULL, @suppress_season_types varchar (64) = NULL, @suppress_perf_types varchar(64) = NULL
Only performances that are on or after the [start_dt] and before the [end_dt] are returned. @suppressSeasonTypes and @suppressPerfTypes are derived from Prospect2T_DEFAULT values that may or may not be populated depending on your business rules. They are used to globally suppress performances in a particular set of season types or of a set of performance types that should never be eligible for performance-based Scheduled Triggers. Examples of this include performances that represent merchandise or parking.
@withKeyword and @withoutKeyword are derived from parameters set in the Prospect2 dashboard Scheduled Trigger form for the scheduled job being executed.
Executed by:
This table is where Segment Transfer processing information is stored. Segment ID, List Manager List ID and the resulting list count are recorded.
[ssx_id] [int] NOT NULL, [lm_list_no] [int] NOT NULL, [qa_count] [int] NULL, [org_name] [varchar](30) NULL, [create_dt] [datetime] NULL,
This table is updated by:
This table is a mirror of LT_PRO2_PROMOTION_UPDATE, and is used as part of the Asynchronous Promotion Processing workflow. After promotions from LT_PRO2_PROMOTION_UPDATE are processed, they are moved to this table for archiving for up to 3 months. Promotion rows older than 3 months are automatically deleted by LP_P2_UPDATE_PROMOTIONS_IN_BULK each time that it is run.
[source_no] [int] NULL, [opened_at] [datetime] NULL, [email] [varchar](80) NULL, [campaign_id] [int] NULL, [response] [int] NULL, [action] [varchar](80) NULL, [customer_no] [int] NULL)
This table is updated by:
When Asynchronous Promotion Processing is enabled, actions such as clicks/opens/unsubscribes are stored in this table for processing against the actual promotion records on constituent records in Tessitura at a later time. After action rows in this table are processed, they are moved to LT_PRO2_PROMOTION_LOG for archiving.
[uid] [int] IDENTITY(1,1), [source_no] [int] NULL, --source_no to update promotion row for with appropriate action [opened_at] [datetime] NULL, --date/time of the action [email] [varchar](80) NULL, --email address that took the action [campaign_id] [int] NULL, --Prospect2 campaign ID for which the action took place [response] [int] NULL, Maps to Tessituras promotion responses [action] [varchar](80) NULL, --The type of action. Open/click/unsubscribe/etc. [customer_no] [int] NULL --customer_no to update.
This table is updated by:
This procedure is responsible for gathering constituent information from a List Manager List for import of a new list into the Prospect2 dashboard.
If the T_DEFAULT P2DSTrackChanges is set to 'YES', this procedure will additionally examine existing qualified constituents within your dynamic List Manager list that's associated with a Data Sync and identify changes in order to determine if contacts should be reimported to update their contact data in Pro2. Qualification include any auditable changes tracked in the VAS_AUDIT_TRAIL view and the TA_AUDIT_MEMBERSHIP table for membership changes in v16, with the following exceptions:
- Added or removed Contact Point Purposes
- Updates to customer ranking
- Changes in Contact Permission status
- Changes to customer_no 0
- Email Address Changes
Executed By:
@lm_list_id int = NULL, @eaddress_type int = NULL, @source_no int = NULL, @only_primary varchar(1) = 'N', @output_set int = NULL, @contact_point_purposes varchar(150) = NULL, @org_name varchar(30) = 'Tessitura Web', @diff_only varchar(1) = 'N', -- Calculates list delta contacts for Data Sync jobs @review_only varchar(1) = 'N', -- Does not reset list snapshot in LT_P2_LIST_CONTENTS @customer_nos varchar(MAX) = NULL, @count_only varchar(1) = 'N', -- Returns only the count of the derived contacts @ignore_contact_perms varchar(1) = 'N', @skip_list_regenerate varchar(1) = 'N'
Default Fields returned:
address (email)
contact_point_purpose (returns grouping of all qualifying Contact Point Purposes if CPPs are specified)
first_name (firstname)
last_name (lastname)
Esal1 (as salutation)
Lsal1 (as lsal_salutation)
Phone (if Pro2 SMS is integrated)
Geo_area (id)
Geo_desc (description associated with geo_area)
This procedure is executed by the Prospect2 application when an import of contacts from Tessitura is requested by a user from the Prospect2 dashboard. This procedure is responsible for gathering information about the addresses selected as a part of the import. This procedure is required to be registered in TR_LOCAL_PROCEDURE.
Executed by:
@lm_list_id int = NULL, @eaddress_type int = NULL, @only_primary varchar(1) = 'N', @contact_point_purposes varchar(150) = NULL, @org_name varchar(30) = 'Tessitura Web', @diff_only varchar(1) = 'N', @review_only varchar(1) = 'N', @customer_nos varchar(MAX) = NULL, @count_only varchar(1) = 'N', @ignore_contact_perms varchar(1) = 'N', @skip_list_regenerate varchar(1) = 'N'
When the procedure is executed to gather the contacts for import, it executes LWP_PRO2_GET_SEGMENT. If the List Manager List ID being passed in is marked as dynamic, then the procedure will attempt to regenerate that list at the point of execution.
Lists that take a significant amount of time to regenerate can cause the Tessitura API application to time out and the Prospect2 import to fail. By default, the Tessitura API application has a timeout period of 30 seconds that it waits for the database to respond. To extend this timeout period, organizations may adjust the web.config file for the Tessitura API application used by Prospect2. Please refer to Tessitura's documentation if this is required.
Default Fields returned:
address (email)
contact_point_purpose (returns grouping of all qualifying Contact Point Purposes if CPPs are specified)
first_name (firstname)
last_name (lastname)
Esal1 (as salutation)
Lsal1 (as lsal_salutation)
Phone (if Pro2 SMS is integrated)
Geo_area (id)
Geo_desc (description associated with geo_area)
When custom fields are created in the Prospect2, the processes will match the field ID of the custom field of the same name in Prospect2 as the data field coming from Tessitura and will be updated with any returned values.
If a source number has been promoted to the List Manager List being used for the import, then this procedure will select the most recent source number promoted to the List Manager List ID being used, and return that to the Prospect2 dashboard for use in a custom field for each email address. This source_no will need to be associated with the email campaigns using the Promotions area in the Prospect2 Integrated Dashboard in order to update promotions records in Tessitura when actions are taken on those campaigns.
This procedure is responsible for gathering available List Manager Lists, Contact Point Purposes, Custom Views, Eaddress Types, Ticketing Keywords, Pricetypes, Version Data, Defaults Values and Special Activity types for use in Imports, Scheduled Triggers, Data Syncs and Segment Transfers.
@org_name varchar(30) = 'Tessitura Web'
Executed by:
This procedure returns data for the Tessitura custom screen and provides a reverse lookup for customer_nos associated with a provided email addresses. It retrieves all of the email addresses for a particular constituent and their subscription preferences for those addresses. Only addresses that are accessible to the Prospect2 API user will be displayed.
@customer_no int = NULL, @email varchar(80) = NULL, @org_name varchar(30) = 'Tessitura Web'
This procedure is used for adding an email address to an existing constituent record.
@customer_no int = NULL, @email varchar(80) = NULL, @org_name varchar(30) = 'Tessitura Web'
This procedure is provided as a shell if you want to extend the functionality beyond standard P2 promotions updating. For example, if you wanted to set an Attribute on the constituent record, or mark the “No Emarketing” flag when someone unsubscribed, you could write in the functionality to do so.
@address varchar(80) = NULL, @action varchar(80) = NULL, @list_id int = NULL, @opened_at datetime = NULL, @campaign_id int = NULL, @parent_key varchar(30) = ''Tessitura Web'', -- retained @parent_key for legacy compatibility @list_name varchar(100) = NULL, @list_type char(10) = NULL, @source_no datetime = NULL, @response int = NULL
This procedure is responsible for updating actions taken against deployed campaigns in Tessitura's T_PROMOTIONS table.
@address varchar(80) = NULL, @action varchar(80) = NULL, @list_id int = NULL, @opened_at datetime = NULL, @campaign_id int = NULL, @org_name varchar(30) = 'Tessitura Web', @list_name varchar(100) = NULL, @list_type char(10) = NULL, @source_no int = NULL, @create_promos varchar(1) = 'N'
If the T_DEFAULT P2UpdatePromoInBulk is set to 'N', this procedure updates promotions for the following actions immediately upon receipt of the communication from Prospect2:
- campaign click
- campaign open
- campaign unsubscribe
- campaign hard bounce
See LP_P2_UPDATE_PROMOTIONS_IN_BULK for important information if P2UpdatePromoInBulk is set to ‘Y’.
Executed by:
Updates Tables:
This procedure is the primary entry point for webhook processing from Prospect2. Depending on the type of webhook being processed, this procedure will call the relevant Prospect2 procedure for the hook type.
@type varchar(80), -- Webhook type (eg. click, open, unsubscribe, email_changed) @email varchar(80), @list_id int = NULL, @tag varchar(80) = NULL, @opened_at datetime = NULL, @campaign_id int = NULL, @list_name varchar(100) = NULL, @old_email varchar(80) = NULL, @source_no int = NULL, @phone varchar(32) = NULL, @org_name varchar(30) = 'Tessitura Web', @create_promos varchar(1) = 'N', @remove varchar(1) = 'N'
This procedure is responsible for selecting eligible rows from a view defined by the client organization as part of a custom view-based Scheduled Trigger. The view can contain as many fields as the organization would like, and all of them are returned to the Prospect2 application as output of this procedure for use as personalization tags in the campaigns that are deployed as part of the scheduled job.
@view varchar(64) = NULL, @start_date datetime = NULL, @start_date datetime = NULL, @search_field varchar(80) = NULL, @search_value varchar(80) = NULL, @contact_limit int = 0 -- Used to return a limited set of data either for Data Preview or validation of data
Any rows in the local view defined by the @view parameter where the [custom_date] field is greater than or equal to the [start_date] and less than the [start_date] will be selected as eligible. If the local view doesn't have a [custom_date] field, then an exception is thrown and no data is returned.
Executed by:
This procedure is responsible for gathering information about orders related to performances selected by LFT_PRO2_GET_ELIGIBLE_PERFS for performance based Scheduled Trigger. This procedure is dependent on LFT_PRO2_GET_ELIGIBLE_PERFS and joins to it on [perf_no] to select appropriate sub-line items for the scheduled job being executed. This procedure is only executed for performance-based Scheduled Triggers.
Executed By:
@start_date datetime = NULL, @end_date datetime = NULL, @with_keyword varchar(500) = NULL, @without_keyword varchar(500) = NULL, @with_pricetype varchar(500) = NULL, @without_pricetype varchar(500) = NULL, @suppress_season_types varchar(64) = NULL, @suppress_perf_types varchar(64) = NULL, @suppress_constituencies varchar(64) = NULL, @list_category int = NULL, @suppress_lists varchar(64) = NULL, @order_no varchar(64) = NULL, @org_name varchar(30) = 'Tessitura Web', @review_only varchar(1) = 'N', @contact_limit int = 0
T_DEFAULTS fields:
Used in the hierarchy of address selection for the email addresses associated with the orders for which an automated campaign is being deployed. See section below on email address hierarchy.
This is a comma-separated list of SLI statuses from TR_SLI_STATUS that are selected when the procedure collects orders that have tickets to an eligible performance. If nothing is populated in this T_DEFAULT, the following SLI statuses are eligible: 2,3,6,12. This ensures that canceled, returned, or other undesirable SLI statuses are not selected for any automated performance-based campaigns.
By default this will be set to NO. Setting this to YES will enable recipients to be included in the data output and be eligible to receive email campaigns from associated automations.
Once the T_DEFAULTS setting has been updated, the feature will be active and will pull recipient data for each recipient on the order. The email address search hierarchy will remain the same as it is for individual order owner constituents, except since the recipient is a specific customer number, the order email and initiator customer numbers are irrelevant and will be ignored.
Address Selection Hierarchy
Because there isn't always an eaddress_no present in the [eaddress_no] field of T_ORDER for orders that are created, there needs to be a deeper eaddress selection hierarchy that uncovers an address that can be used for the constituents that have tickets to a performance. If an organization is in a consortium, or if orders are placed at the household level but email addresses are stored at the individual level, several tiers must be parsed in order to derive a valid recipient email address for the automated campaign. The hierarchy is defined as follows:
- Use the address identified on the order itself in T_ORDER ([eaddress_no] field) if exists and it is active.
- Use the top 1 active address with the Prospect2 default eaddress type associated with the customer on the order (Uses T_DEFAULT P2DefaultEaddressType).
- Use the top 1 active address on the customer_no associated with the order that has the [primary_ind] = 'Y'. (It is the primary email on the record.)
- Use the top 1 active address with the Prospect2 default eaddress type associated with the primary affiliate of the customer_no on the order (Uses T_DEFAULT P2DefaultEaddressType).
- Use the top 1 active address on the primary affiliate of the customer_no associated with the order that has the [primary_ind] = 'Y'. (It is the primary email on the record.)
The selection process will follow that hierarchy and select the first non-null value among the 5 options. When P2IncludeRecipients is enabled in T_DEFAULTS, the above search hierarchy will apply to any recipient identified on the ticket order.
List Manager List Creation
Whenever this procedure is run, it will create an audit list, of all customer_nos selected using the criteria that are passed into it. This list is for audit purposes only, and is not used by the Prospect2 application for any reason. If this behavior is not desirable, the functionality may be commented out in this procedure.
The audit list created will have a prefix of PRO2-SCH: and each time the job runs, it will remove audit lists and contents older than 30 days to prevent database clutter.
This procedure is called from the Prospect2 application as the first step in executing a Scheduled Trigger.
This procedure is required to be registered in TR_LOCAL_PROCEDURE.
Executed By:
Depends on procedures:
If the Scheduled Trigger is performance-based:
This procedure calls procedures LFT_PRO2_GET_ELIGIBLE_PERFS and LWP_PRO2_GET_ORDER_DETAILS. The following T_DEFAULTS data is gathered:
- P2SuppressSeasonTypes
- P2SuppressConstituencies
- P2ScheduledListCat
- P2SuppressPerfTypes
- P2ListManagerSupressions [If the list ID(s) provided here are checked as dynamic, they will be regenerated]
A performance data set is returned that contains information related to the performance(s) for which a reminder is being sent. This is the output of LFT_PRO2_GET_ELIGIBLE_PERFS. An order data set is returned that contains information about the orders and constituents that have sub-line-items on an order for one of the performances in LFT_PRO2_GET_ELIGIBLE_PERFS.
Web content will also be returned for all performances identified as eligible. The web content can exist on any level associated with the performance (Title, Production, Production Season or Performance) and is returned in reverse order of the hierarchy, meaning Performance-leve content will override Prod Season level content of the same type, and so on. This data is returned by the LWP_PRO2_GET_WEB_CONTENT procedure.
If the Scheduled Trigger is custom view-based:
When executed for a Custom view-based Scheduled Trigger, this procedure calls LWP_PRO2_GET_CUSTOM_VIEW. LWP_PRO2_HANDLE_TRIGGER is responsible for gathering the data for any Scheduled Triggers. No T_DEFAULTS data is retrieved for custom view-based campaigns. An data set is returned that contains any of the fields selected from the custom view being used and the custom_date falls between the passed in start_date and end_date parameters.
This procedure processes email addresses passed in by a Segment Transfer. It’s primary job is to identify any and all relevant constituent records that are associated with the provided email addresses. Constituents with existing email addresses will be added to the List Manager list with the name provided in the Prospect2 Segment Transfer form and recorded in the LT_P2_SSX table. Email addresses that aren't found in Tessitura will be returned for reporting to the Prospect2 integrated dashboard.
@list_name varchar(30), @email_string varchar(8000) = '', @ssx_id int = NULL, @exclude_households varchar(1) = 'N', @only_primary varchar(1) = 'N', @lm_list_no int = 0, @org_name varchar(30) = 'Tessitura Web'
Executed By:
This is a wrapper procedure for WP_MAINTAIN_PHONE. Used to insert or update phones by Prospect2.
@customer_no int = NULL, @phone varchar(32) = NULL, @org_name varchar(30) = 'Tessitura Web', @remove varchar(1) = NULL
Executed By:
This function accepts no parameters. The usage is intended to more reliably return the current installed Tessitura version.
This function is called by:
@email varchar(80) = NULL, @list_id int = 0, @type varchar(80) = NULL, @tag varchar(80) = NULL, @org_name varchar(30) = 'Tessitura Web'
The procedure that handles the updating of the TX_CONTACT_POINT_PURPOSE table (adding/removing Contact Point Purposes) when a list subscribe/unsubscribe or tag add/remove webhook is processed. It handles the lookup in the LTR_P2_ELISTS to identify if a list id has a CPP assigned.
This procedure updates the following tables:
@range int
Webhooks that are processed for email addresses that don't exist in Tessitura are stored in a local db table named LTX_P2_UNASSIGNED_EMAILS. This procedure is implemented as a SQL job to periodically check for new email addresses created in Tessitura and compare those to existing CPP records in the LTX_P2_UNASSIGNED_EMAILS table, then assign appropriate CPPs to the new emails.
The @range parameter is the number of minutes back the procedure should search VS_EADDRESS for new emails to process. Only email addresses with the email_ind value of 'Y' will be evaluated.
This procedure calls the following procedure:
This procedure accepts no parameters. This procedure is intended to be used as part of the Asynchronous Promotion Processing workflow. This procedure should be scheduled to run as often as your organization requires and processes any rows present in the local table LT_PRO2_PROMOTION_UPDATE. This procedure does the following actions:
Retrieves any stored promotion actions from LT_P2_PROMOTION_UPDATE that need to be updated in Tessitura's native T_PROMOTION table. Updates the promotions as required. Truncates LT_PRO2_PROMOTION_UPDATE and logs any promotions processed as part of this process in LT_PRO2_PROMOTION_LOG Deletes any rows in the LT_PRO2_PROMOTION_LOG table that are older than 3 months.
Any customer_no that has ownership of the email tagged in the response row, and also has a promotion row in T_PROMOTION for the source_no for the entry, will have its promotion row updated with the appropriate response. For example: If opened a campaign tagged with source_no 2345, and customer record in Tessitura that was linked to in VS_EADDRESS (Security and control grouping is respected in consortium environments) would have its promotion for source 2345 updated with the appropriate response.
This procedure updates the following tables: