Preview Changes will not be visible to customers until published.

Data Sync: Tag

The Data Sync: Tag feature is designed to either add a tag or add and remove a tag based on specific List Manager list criteria. For example, you can configure a Data Sync: Tag to add and remove tags from email addresses in Prospect2, ensuring your dynamic list of members in Tessitura is always current and up to date with new members, while also ensuring that members who have expired will automatically have the tag removed. Configuring an add only tag sync could keep track of your annual season subscribers. Data Sync: Tag allows you to reduce manual processes, such as imports, needed in order to have access to this data in Prospect2. 

As these tags are added or added/removed, you can define automation triggers to take an instant action with these contacts, such as subscribing to a list, unsubscribing from a list, send an email, etc. Tags can also be used in segmentation, contact filters, or personalization within your content.

Understanding Data Sync Functionality

Our process will regenerate your dynamic Tessitura List Manager list just before running. Once the List manager list is generated in Tessitura, all of the constituent ID's for those that currently match the List manager list criteria are stored in the T_LIST_CONTENTS table, which is a standard Tessitura table. This process will only look for the 'delta' or differences every time the sync runs.

This process also uses a dedicated local table LT_P2_LIST_CONTENTS. The first time a Data Sync: Tag generates, we will update the local table LT_P2_LIST_CONTENTS with eligible constituent ID's from your List Manager list and the associated emails will be added or updated in Prospect2 with the tag that you have defined in your sync.

The next time the sync generates, we will only look for the 'delta' or differences in constituent ID's that may have been added or removed from the List Manager list since the last sync run. If constituent ID's exist in the LT_P2_LIST_CONTENTS table when the sync runs, they will be used as the baseline for comparison, which allows our processes to find the 'delta' directly in Tessitura.

These differences will allow our processes to look exclusively for newly added or newly removed constituent ID's in your List Manager list in order to know which email address to add the tag to, or who to remove the tag from.

Re-syncing Data Changes

In addition to calculating the qualified/disqualified contacts each time the job runs, Prospect2 can also examine any existing qualified contact for changes to determine if they should be reimported to update their contact data in Pro2. 

Once enabled, this can allow you to ensure any changes applied to an active membership or donation, such as membership level upgrades or changes in giving amounts, can properly be re-synced back to the contact record in Prospect2 which may be used in personalization within communications and more! 

Qualification include any auditable changes tracked in the VAS_AUDIT_TRAIL view and the TA_AUDIT_MEMBERSHIP table for membership changes in v16, with the following exceptions:

  •  Added or removed Contact Point Purposes
  •  Updates to customer ranking
  •  Changes in Contact Permission status
  •  Changes to customer_no 0

The above exceptions are in an effort to prevent unnecessarily reimporting contacts for insignificant updates. Triggering the reimport of a contact for something like a CPP change could result in inefficiently reimporting a significant portion of the list every time a Data Sync runs.

An additional exception is:

  •  Email address changes as they are not eligible to be picked up in List Manager list criteria (more to come on this front in the future!).

Exceptions exclude criteria that may be officially defined in the Dynamic List Manager list (LML) that may allow constituents to be eligible or ineligible for the LML. This functionality also does not impact direct Pro2 integrations that you may have set up with Contact Point Purposes or Contact Permissions.

By default this functionality is disabled. To enable re-syncing data changes for all Data Syncs, in Tessitura within the T_DEFAULTS table you'll need to change the P2DSTrackChanges to YES.

Getting Started

Navigate to the Data Sync page in your Tessitura Integrated dashboard and click the Add Data Sync button, or edit an existing Data Sync.

Select a Tessitura List Manager List

This will be the dynamic source for contacts that should have a tag added or added/removed. Ensure the "Prospect2" box is checked in your List Manager list in Tessitura so that it will be visible in Prospect2. You can filter the results that are displayed in the dropdown by entering the key terms in the search field.

Only List Manager lists that are marked as "dynamic" will appear in the dropdown, along with an approximate number of constituent records that are included in the List Manager list. Be advised that this number is strictly a reflection of the total number of constituent records that are included within the List Manager list and is not a reflection of how many email addresses will be updated in this process. If your List Manager list has an Output Set defined, the name of the output set will display next to the list.

Select a Prospect2 Tag to Add to New Contacts

Select a tag that will be added to new constituents that are in your List Manager list. If you chose to add and remove tags (defined in Step 5), contacts that no longer exist in the Tessitura List Manager list, the next time the sync runs, will have the tag  removed.

•  You are only able to define one tag per sync and only tags that currently exist in your Prospect2 account will display in this dropdown

•  Do not make changes to this tag after the sync has been turned on

•  If you need to change or update the tag that is being applied, you will need to create a new Data Sync: Tag, making sure to deactivate any that are no longer needed

Choose Prospect2 Processing Options (Optional)

Trigger Webhooks:
Selecting this option will trigger webhooks that will update integrated Contact Point Purposes on email addresses in Tessitura when the job is processed. It is recommended to only check this box when List or Tag CPPs involved need to be updated in Tessitura, as the Import will take longer to process when this is checked.

Trigger Automations:
When a contact is imported, Prospect2 can check to see if any of the updates to contacts from the [Import/Data Sync] qualify them for Automation Triggers. For accounts with lots of Automations, this can delay processing times if nothing during this Import should qualify contacts for an Automation. If no Automations should be triggered through this process, unchecking this box will allow the Import to process faster.

Filter Addresses by Other Tessitura Criteria (Optional)

Applying one or a combination of optional filters further defines contacts that will be returned from Tessitura. You can filter email addresses returned from the List Manager list by specifying Email Address CPPs, Tessitura Eaddress type and/or email addresses marked with the Primary Indicator in Tessitura.

Checking the Ignore Contact Permissions Status box will enable the Import process to bring all relevant contact data for all List Manager constituents into Prospect2, regardless of current Contact Permissions status. This option is only available in accounts that are integrated with Prospect2 and Tessitura's Contact Permissions.

Contact Point Purpose (CPP) filtering:

Selecting one or multiple CPPs will exclusively return email addresses that include any of the selected CPPs. Only CPPs that are assigned the Email Address Contact Point Category (defined in TX_CONTACT_POINT_CATEGORY_PURPOSE in Tessitura) will be available for filtering. All other Contact Point Category types will not display.

Ignore Contact Permission Status:

Selecting this option will allow Constituents with a NO or N/A Permission Status to be imported. Be aware that associating an existing Prospect2 list with this import could result in the Contact Permission status being updated for any/all constituents with ownership of the resulting imported email addresses. Use with caution!

Select Job Type

'Add Only' is the default option. New constituents that are included in your List Manager list will have the tag added. If the 'Add and Remove' option is selected, contacts that no longer qualify for the chosen List Manager list will have the selected tag removed in Prospect2. 

•  Do not make changes to this tag after the sync has been turned on

•  If you need to change or update the tag that is being applied, you will need to create a new Data Sync: Tag, making sure to deactivate any that are no longer needed

Choose your Scheduling Frequency

Define the time of day you want your Sync to process. A dropdown is available for Daily, Multi-Daily, Weekly, or Monthly scheduling options.

Daily will run each day at the chosen time of day. Weekly will run on the selected day of the week at the chosen time. Monthly will run on the selected day of the month at the chosen time. Multiple Times Daily will run each day at the specified times, as frequent as every 15 minutes, starting at the defined hour and minute. Customize Your Schedule allows you to choose various times throughout the day.

If a Data Sync is set to process on a day that does not always exist, such as Monthly on the 31st, the sync will process on whatever date is the last date of the month.

Add a Description

Include a short description for internal use about this Data Sync, such as the purpose of the Sync or any automations that may be triggered when tags are added/removed.

Add Email Addresses to Receive Notifications about this Data Sync

Enter email addresses for contacts within your organization that should receive notifications for this sync. These contacts will receive a notification email every time the sync runs, that includes the number of contacts that were calculated to be added and/or removed, total errors and error details, if any.

Preview Data

You are able to preview email addresses and additional data that may be returned in your next scheduled Data Sync: Tag process. This data preview will also show contacts who may be added or removed if the Data Sync: Tag were to process at the time the preview is run. Contacts who qualify to be removed at will be highlighted in a red row.

Since List Manager list that are associated with Data Sync: Tags are dynamic, the results may change frequently. The Preview lets you view what changes would be made if it were to run now. We are not able to provide exact details of what will change at the scheduled run, as we cannot predict the future.

Activate Your Data Sync

Once created, you will be directed to the Data Sync page. From here, you can activate your sync by toggling the status from OFF to ON. You can also preview data, edit, or manually run the sync at any time from this page. This process runs on 5 minute intervals (1:00, 1:05, 1:10, etc), so the grace period for cancellation is between 1 and 4 minutes, depending on when that next interval is.

You can monitor actively processing Data Syncs on the Console page under the What's Happening Now? section.

Data Syncs that have processed in the last 2 minutes will display within the What's Happening Now? section on the Console page; previously completed Data Syncs will temporarily display in the Recent Activity section on the Console page. Additional details about your Data Sync, such as criteria used, total number of contacts processed, breakdown of the changes with counts, and any error results/reasons will be accessible in the Activity Log for up to 30 days.

Important Details to Remember

•  Since List Manager list that are associated with Data Sync: Tags are dynamic, the results may change frequently. The Preview lets you view what changes would be made if it were to run now. We are not able to provide exact details of what will change at the scheduled run, as we cannot predict the future.

•  You are only able to define one tag per sync and only tags that currently exist in your Prospect2 account will display in this dropdown

•  Do not make changes to this tag after the sync has been turned on

•  If you need to change or update the tag that is being applied, you will need to create a new Data Sync: Tag, making sure to deactivate any that are no longer needed

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