Integrating Contact Permissions

Our integration with Tessitura’s Contact Permissions allows you to keep a constituent level email permission updated in Tessitura when a contact Subscribes or Unsubscribes from a list in Prospect2.

Tessitura best practices imply Contact Permissions shouldn’t replace unique preference options for SMS capable phone numbers or Email addresses. This feature and integration is designed for Data Protection and Consent which should ask if the Patron wants to receive any communications from your organization, or not.

Integrating an Email Contact Permission Type in Tessitura


The following configurable settings will allow Prospect2 to identify a specific Email Contact Permission ‘type’ that will either be ignored or updated during our integrated processes.

The value entered should be the ID of the Contact Permission that is being used for Email Permission.

You only have the ability to define a single value as our integration does not support multiple Contact Permission types.


This table displays all lists from your Prospect2 account

By default, anytime a list Subscription(s) or Unsubscription(s) is triggered, the integrated Contact Permission status will be updated to YES (subscribe) or NO (unsubscribe) within matching constituent records.

Prevent_Perm_Update Column

If you want to prevent specific list Subscription(s) or Unsubscription(s) from updating a Contact Permission status, you can optionally mark the Prevent_Perm_Update checkbox next to the list(s) in question.

If checked, Pro2 will not update the integrated Contact Permission status upon list Subscribe or Unsubscribe.

Some Automations may trigger a list subscribe or unsubscribe, for example a Membership list. Once a patron becomes a member, they may be automatically subscribed to a Membership list based on their transaction. Since the patron’s Membership purchase triggered the list subscription, the existing Contact Perm status should remain as is and not be updated.

Functionality Overview


When a Subscribe Webhook is returned from Pro2 to Tess, we will identify the Contact Permission defined in P2EmailContactPerm in T_DEFAULTS and will change the constituent Contact Permission status to YES and update the Last Asked Date to the date the action took place.

If the list that triggered the update has Prevent_Perm_Update selected/checked, the Contact Perm status will remain as is.


When an Unsubscribe Webhook is returned from Pro2 to Tessi, Pro2 will identify the Contact Permission defined in P2EmailContactPerm in T_DEFAULTS and will change the Contact Permission status to NO and update the Last Asked Date to the date the action took place.

If the list that triggered the update has the Prevent_Perm_Update selected/ticked, the Contact Perm status will remain as is.

Custom Screen

Integrated Contact Permission defined in ( T_DEFAULTS) P2EmailContactPerm and/or P2SMSContactPerm Pro2 will display the current Contact Permission status on the Prospect2 Custom Screen. The display of the Contact Perm status will not be editable via the Custom Screen.

Email Contact Permission Status Updates:

The Email Contact Permission status is updated organically by new Subscriptions or Unsubscriptions selected in the List section on the Custom Screen. The actions taken by a patron, which are returned from Pro2 to Tessi, will officially update the Contact Permission status accordingly.

The displayed Contact Permission status on the Custom Screen may not update in real time and you may need to refresh the Custom Screen in order to see this update.

List(s) that have the Prevent_Perm_Update flag checked will be indicated next to each list in question.

Imports and Data Syncs

Prospect2 will ignore constituent records that have Contact Permissions set to NO. A "Not Asked" record will be treated as defined in the default_value_for_add setting in TR_CONTACT_PERMISSION_TYPE. If the default_value_for_add setting is Yes, constituents that have not yet been asked for their Contact Permission will be imported and treated the same as a constituent with a Yes value for that permission type.

If you need to ignore constituent records who have a Contact Perm set to NO or N/A, Pro2 offers an option to override Contact Permission status within the Import and Data Sync form to allow Pro2 to return all emails within constituent records who match your defined List Manager list criteria in Tessitura.

Use Case for Override:

Transactional Communications such as ticket purchases, show cancellations, traffic alerts, new members, or communications about an active subscription or membership.

If your organization is utilizing customization via TNEW, you have the ability to define a dynamic Tessitura List Manager List and associate it with a Data Sync in Pro2 in order to ensure contact statuses are kept up-to-date in Prospect2 (see additional options below).

Performance Scheduled Triggers

When utilizing Performance Scheduled Triggers, Prospect2 will ignore an existing Email Contact Permission Status, even if set to NO or N/A.

If you would like to suppress all constituents who have a Contact Permission Status of NO, in T_DEFAULTS:


Assign a LML of constituents who may have the Contact Perm of NO. This will exclude any constituent record who has the Contact Perm of NO from the data set that may be returned to Pro2.


OR you can suppress/exclude based on specific constituencies.

Custom View Scheduled Triggers

When utilizing Custom View Scheduled Triggers, you have full control over the data that will be returned by defining the criteria within the Tessitura Custom View, allowing you to filter by Contact Permission Statuses however you’d like.

Additional Options

You can set up a Data Sync to Tag contacts that may have a Contact Permission status of YES or NO. This Tag can be used as a direct identifier in Pro2, or can be used for additional segmentation.

For example, set up an automation that will enter contacts once a Tag of YES is removed or Tag of NO is added (via a Data Sync) to ensure they’re unsubscribed or even subscribed across pertinent lists.

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