Integrated Dashboard User Management

Control who has access to create, edit, delete users and set permissions to determine who has access to integrated features.

Anyone who needs access to the Tessitura Integrated Dashboard is required to have a separate login. This allows you to have users in your account that can only access the main Prospect2 Dashboard, only the Tessitura Integrated Dashboard, or both! Currently there is no limit to the amount of users you can create in your Tessitura Integrated Dashboard.

Once you are logged in, you can access the User Management page by clicking the drop down located towards the top right of the dashboard.

There are 3 user roles: Owner, Manager, and User. Administrative roles (Owner & Manager) have complete access to Prospect2 Integrated functionality. Standard Users have customizable permissions so they can view and edit only the areas that an Owner or Manager has given them access to.


This administrative role grants the highest level of access. Owners have access to all Integrated features by default and can create, edit, or delete other Owners, Managers, and Users.

In a future update, Owners will begin to have access to additional account information such as billing details, configurable API information, etc. This role should be limited to only those who truly need that level of power!


Managers have access to all Integrated features and can create, edit, or delete other Managers and Users. Managers do not have the ability to edit, delete, or create Owners.


Managers or Owners can create Users and define each users individual permissions. Permissions can be granted, restricted, or set to view only, per feature. Users are only able to edit their profile information such as updating a password, changing their first or last name or email address. Users do not have the ability to edit, delete, or create other Users, Managers, or Owners.

All Users will have access to view details on the Console and Activity Log, even if they do not have edit permissions. Actionable items that are included within those areas will be dependent on the Users unique permissions.

The Owners and Managers are responsible for all management of users within your account. We will not create users, change user types, or reset any passwords for you. If you have forgotten your password, please use the forgot password option on the login page.

If you have a single Owner user and they leave your organization, they will need to pass this onto someone else to create a new Owner so you can delete their access prior to leaving. If that does not happen, please work with your IT team to gain access and update the Owner. We will not make this change for you or give you access.

Owners and Managers will be able to see if a user has yet to confirm their email address and login on the User Management page. You’ll also have the ability to resend a confirmation email to a user if needed.

Allowable User Email Domains

At a client's request, we can safelist specific domains so any Owner, Manager, or User would not be able to change their user email address to a domain outside of your organization. For example, if is the only domain safelisted, Owners, Admins, and Users will only be able to create or edit users email addresses using this domain. All other domains will be rejected.

If you’d like to apply this to your account, please have an account Owner contact us at to begin this process.

If you do not have one defined already, we will not remove any existing accounts with unsafe-listed domains. Any existing accounts at the time the safelist is activated are grandfathered in. This willonly impact new users, or if an existing user changes their email address.

Edit Profile

Once you’re logged in, you can manage additional profile settings by clicking on the Edit Profile link on the User Management page. All users have the ability to update their name, email address, change their password, and adjust additional preferences such as defining the default number of rows that should display when viewing reports and changing the date format that’s displayed across the application and reports.

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