Customizing the Import Procedure

By default, the import procedure will retrieve common Tessitura fields corresponding to the appropriate contact in your Tessitura List Manager list. To add or edit the default fields that are imported from Tessitura, you can edit the SQL stored procedure gathers the data for import.

The import procedure is called LWP_P2_GET_SEGMENT


Create a Local Version of the LWP_P2_GET_SEGMENT Procedure

Modify the procedure to include the custom fields you'd like to be imported with every Tessitura import.


Create a Local Version of the LWP_P2_GET_ELIST_DATA Procedure

Modify the procedure to contain the new local procedure names created during Step 1 (ex: LWP_P2_GET_SEGMENT_LOCAL)



Find LWP_P2_GET_ELIST_DATA and modify the procedure and description name to reflect the updated name you created in Step 2 (ex: LWP_P2_GET_ELIST_DATA_LOCAL). This should contain the same procedure ID.

Keep in mind that the more data you choose to include in an import, the more time it will take to transmit the data, which increases your chances of encountering a timeout. If you begin to experience timeouts regularly with your imports, you will want to revise your procedure to operate within the limitations of your database.

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